Our Mission: 

Engage the talent development community to connect locally and evolve professionally.

Talent Referral Directory

  • 15 Mar 2020
  • 5:30 PM (EDT)
  • 15 Apr 2022
  • 5:00 PM (EDT)
  • N/A


  • Register to be on our Consultant Directory.

Registration is closed

The Talent Referral Directory (TRD) is designed to help Triangle area independent talent development consultants and potential clients to find each other. TRD is open to the public to search, so that anyone can easily find talented professionals with various specialties. Using TRD can save time for those seeking services and can help build business for those offering services.

You must be a RTA Chapter member to join the TRD. Even if you are a National ATD (www.td.org) member, but not an RTA Chapter member, you still must join to participate in the Talent Referral Directory. To purchase a Chapter membership, Go to the “Membership” Tab and click on Join ATD-RTA and complete the Application.  After completing the Application, return here and click the blue button onf this page to register separately for the TRD. If you are already a member, please update your Chapter Profile with information that would be valuable to anyone searching the directory.

The RTA-ATD Chapter goes to great lengths to respect your privacy. That is why all the information that you have entered into your Member Profile automatically defaults to “No Access.” Only you and the Chapter Administrator can view your entire Profile. Members can only see your Name, Organization, Email Address and Phone number, if entered. 

By clicking on the “Registration” button, you are giving the Chapter permission to populate the Talent Referral Directory with additional information from your Member Profile.  Review the Registration Form carefully to ensure that the information listed is what you want perspective clients to see. Please contact admin@tdrta.org if you want to remove any information that you want to keep private.

Your listing should be active within 24 hours after you’ve registered.

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Media Policy: ATD RTA captures photographs and/or audio/video recordings (“recordings”) during events. Such recordings may be used in advertising materials and social media relations. By entering the ATD RTA event premises, you consent to such recordings and their use at no charge and understand that they are the property of ATD RTA. You release all liability for use of and waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with ATD RTA publication of these recordings, regardless of the purpose.

© ATD Research Triangle Area Chapter 2023

ATD - Research Triangle Area 1959 North Peacehaven Road #225, Winston Salem, NC 27106 Email: admin@tdrta.org

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software