Our Mission: 

Engage the talent development community to connect locally and evolve professionally.

RTA CHAPTER Membership

The Research Triangle Area Chapter of ATD serves training, ID, OD, e-Learning professionals throughout the Triangle, including but not limited to Raleigh, Chapel Hill and Durham. We encourage you to become involved in this interesting and dynamic organization. What’s in it for you?

  • Participation in our monthly programs to enhance your professional skills and knowledge
  • Keep current with leading issues and topics in the field
  • Exchange points of view with colleagues
  • Expand your network
  • Expand your leadership skills by volunteering as a Board or committee member, or as a volunteer
  • You will be listed in, and have access to, our online Membership Directory and The Newsletter
  • Visit varied training environments at our member-hosted meetings to observe first-hand how different companies design and deliver training

Detailed program information will be communicated to members via an on-line newsletter as well as through the website. 

Become a Member

Join ATD RTA today by clicking on the image above.  

Questions?  Contact admin@tdrta.org

Why should I join?

Monthly chapter programs and Special Interest Groups are excellent methods to learn about topics in the talent development industry.

Develop relationships with your peers and meet new people in the talent development field. 

The strength of our chapter is our membership and our committed and caring volunteers who donate their time and expertise to support the Chapter and advance the Workplace Learning Profession. We have numerous opportunities for members to get involved in the Chapter.

Membership Types

Annual Membership

  • Annual RTA chapter membership fee 
  • Attend monthly meetings, SIG events or Munch & Mingles for Free
  • Receive discounted rates on Workshops 

$75 per person

Corporate Membership

  • Available to organizations with 5 or more joining members 
  • Attend monthly meetings, SIG events or Munch & Mingles for Free
  • Receive discounted rates on Workshops 
$60 per person

Student Membership

  • Available to undergraduate student taking 12 hours per semester or Graduate student taking 9 hours per semester
  • Attend monthly meetings, SIG events or Munch & Mingles for Free
  • Receive discounted rates on Workshops 

$50 per person

Thank you to our Sponsors!

© ATD Research Triangle Area Chapter 2023

ATD - Research Triangle Area 1959 North Peacehaven Road #225, Winston Salem, NC 27106 Email: admin@tdrta.org

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software