Our Mission: 

Engage the talent development community to connect locally and evolve professionally.

Adaptive Culture SIG - April 2023 (VIRTUAL)

  • 12 Apr 2023
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • 55


  • For established partner organizations, including TODN, ICF, and established ATD Chapter partnerships

Registration is closed



Personal: Collaboration & Leadership
Personal: Cultural Awareness & Inclusion

Professional: Career & Leadership Development
Professional: Coaching

Organizational: Organization Development & Culture
Organizational: Performance Improvement
Organizational: Change Management
Organizational: Future Readiness


April SIG meeting: A Case Study in Failure

In our next convening of the Adaptive-Culture SIG on Wednesday, April 12, 5:30-7, Richard Kurth will present a brief case study of a failing organization from his personal leadership role in it. He will distill the key elements in the story as he perceived them.

That will be followed by a Q&A where participants are invited to respond to the case.

We will then move to an extended breakout session around the questions:

Did Richard’s example demonstrate an adaptive culture and why?

How would you describe the adaptiveness of your current, or a previous, organization?

Please note that we have moved the meeting to Wednesday this month because some interested members have indicated they have a conflict on the second Thursday of each month.

Richard Kurth

Thank you to our Sponsors!

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© ATD Research Triangle Area Chapter 2023

ATD - Research Triangle Area 1959 North Peacehaven Road #225, Winston Salem, NC 27106 Email: admin@tdrta.org

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